mandag 26. oktober 2009


I've been in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, for one week now. I'm on a research assignment from work, but I think it's also an amazing opportunity to experience other cultures.
So far, I've found out that abuja actually was planned and built around 1980. Abuja was chosen as capital in 1991 because it was more central then the last one, Lagos. It's not a big capital though, it only has around 405 000 people.
This morning I was on the beach, though far from Abuja because it's location is so high that the climate is not on the hottest. But on the lower land the climate is so warm and tropical, I believe that is one of the main attractions, the tropical weather.
Nigeria is a country in the west of Africa, so it surprised me a little when I found out that they actually have democracy.
the native people in Nigeria is the Nok- people. According to the sources they don't exist anymore.


Right now, I'm in Montreal, the second largest frenchspeaking city after Paris. It's amazing how a country with two different official languages, which is English and French, can get so well along. Especially when France refuses to learn English.
Montreal is Canadas second most populated city with a little over one million people. I'm a student, studying one year in Canada. I live in a cute, little apartment with desent payment.
I'm real glad I choose Montreal to live in, because here you get the best of "both worlds" (English and French). you walk past a english shop and just around the corner it could be a French restaurant.
The native people of Canada is the Inuits. you can't see them very often in the citys, because they live far up north. They dedicate their lives to hunting their own food and surviving on their own. They ceep their traditions carefully.
Although there are more French- speaking people here then English- speaking, I came here to study Language. And it's a great way to learn both culture and two completely different languages.

onsdag 21. oktober 2009


I live with some friends of mine in the famous city of Sydney. It's a nice street, you can really get a good look of the sea. In australia, there are 21 million people. if you know how big Australia is, you would also know how few people that really is.
The enviorment in Australia is amazing! there are rainforests, big mountains, beaches, big seas and last but not least their differences of animals.
It's hard to emagine that Australia was once only used as a prison for the British colonies. It's so beautiful here. This most be like the ultimate place for travellers. It's a shame the plane ticket is so expensive.
The native people of Australia is named the Aborigins. I met one the other day who told me all about the British colonies who took the land from them. I feel that the people here really disrespect them. It's really sad to see all the Aborigins on the street.
This is my last week in Australia. The summer vacation has travelled fast. Since there's summer in Norway, where i come from, there is winter here. so it hasn't been the warmest of summers, but I'm still glad I went here. It has been an amazing experience.