tirsdag 26. oktober 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

I read the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by J. K Rowling. It's the seventh and final book in the series of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is the main character, with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. It's their seventh year in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, but they have decided not to go. Harry Potter and his friends instead sets out on a dangerous journey throughout England to find the Horcruxes that can kill Voldemort.

The story is mainly about a journey to find and destroy horcruxes witch are objects with parts of Voldemort's soul. Harry and his friends most find them all to kill him. On the journey many dangers arise and it puts a real test to their friendship. The book is so well written you can actually believe there are such things as magic and wands. The three friends all make the book special. Ron, who's sarcastic and funny, but doesn't really handle dangers very well. A good example of this is when he bails on his friends because the death eaters are after them. Hermione is the smart one, and always has the right answer and spells. In the book she often foresee dangers and get them out of trouble. Harry Potter, however, is the brave one. He's good at keeping his head cold in a dangerous situation and is immensely loyal to his friends.He shows a great example of this when he goes to his own death to save everybody else.

This book is very different from the first books in the series. Especially the first three books. In this book there are many things happening at ones and sometimes they use hard words and different dialects, like Hagrid who talks very wide. This can often make it hard to keep up. The first books however where far shorter and more like children books. In one way I find this very interesting, because it's like Harry Potter grows with the books. He's only eleven years old in the first book, but in the last he's seventeen.

The main part of the book I would say is the battle on Hogwarts. Everything ends there and every secret is confided. The final battle between Voldemort and Harry and many loved ones in earlier books dies. For example Fred, who is one of the two hilarious twins in the book. They always do something against the rules. The truth about Dumbledore and Severus Snape is also revealed. In the end, that's the best part of the entire series.

To be honest, I didn't like the ending very much. I didn't really think it gave me an answer on how they all ended up and how they we're doing now that it was all over. But in a way I can understand that, because nobody wanted the big adventure of Harry Potter to end. Also, the ending is the hardest part. What I liked about it, however, was how they were all gathered on the train station, King's Cross, to say goodbye to their kids. It gives an impression that it's not really over. New adventures begin for their children.

In my opinion this was the best book in the Harry Potter- series. All the secrets and mysteries are finally answered. I would recommend it heartedly. But it would probably be a good idea to read the first books in the series first.

onsdag 8. september 2010

Prison Break

Prison Break er en serie som handler om Michael Scofield som raner en bank for å komme i fengsel. Han skal prøve å befri broren sin som er uskyldig, men dømt til døden. Michael Scofield er en helt, fordi han er (noenlunde) snill, setter andre foran seg selv, og er slu og snartenkt. Michael har en sykdom som gjør at han er svært smart, han finner alltid en løsning, nesten som MacGyver. Samtidig er han, i likhet med alle andre heltefilmer, veldig kjekk og får jenta til slutt. Det er aldri en uattraktiv helt.

onsdag 17. mars 2010

bilder og film

kultfilm: kultfilm er en film som er gjenstand for stor interesse og dyrkelse av en bestemt krets av personer på grunnlag av dens særlige kvaliteter, medvirkende, instruktører eller lignende.
Dogmefilm: Dogmefilm er et konsept som ble introdusert under Cannes filmfestival i 1995 av et dansk kollektiv av filmregissører som kalte seg Dogme 95. Kollektivet ble startet for å være en motvekt mot kommersialiseringen av filmen og det store fokuset på effektmakeri.
spagettiwestern: Mellom 1960 og 1975 ble det spilt inn ca. 600 western-filmer i Europa. Disse filmene ble gjerne kalt spagetti-westerns fordi de i hovedsak ble spilt inn i Italia og fordi italienere sies å være glade i spagetti.
Dokudrama: Dokudrama eller dokufiction er en moderne dokumentar- og narrativ form, som hovedsakelig er i film og TV- bruk.

Bilder og film

Bilder og film

torsdag 4. februar 2010


stubborn, kind, wise and strong- hearted
who lives with his wife, his sons, they're wifes and children
who loves his family, his land and his people
who feels angry, stubborn and tired
who needs respect, understanding and protection
who fears for his family, his land and the white people
who gives wisdom, providing and love
who wishes to see his land grow freely, the white men to back down and his family to be safe
east of mississippi river

onsdag 20. januar 2010

Letter for Sorry Day

I read the "Bringing them home" raport from 1997 at school today. and I just really felt like apologising for what happened to you yet again. I have always been interested in Australian history, but I have to admit, this changes som things. It just makes me sad realising what a dark period in the history that was. And it makes me sad knowing that it was actually our fault and not for example the British colonies or something. I didn't know how bad it was until today, when i read that raport. i can't even imagine being forced away from my parents. So, yet again, i am so sorry for our mistakes and your stolen generation.

william Scott, age 15, Brisbane

mandag 11. januar 2010

Bowling for colombine

- The movie is about the use of guns in USA.
- In the opening the director of the movie goes into a bank and opens a bankaccount where you get a free gun in the price.
- He's talking to people around The United States and ask them about how they use their guns.
- It's shoccking to see how many actually use guns for protection, and have them in their house loaded.
- He meets up with to students from Colombia who got shot in a school masacre. Together they get K-mart to stop selling ammunition.
- He meets up with a famous man on hollywood hills and talks about the six year old boy who shoot a six year old girl.
- Apparantly, the USA has a very high crime rate even though other countries also use guns ase a protection.
- His conclusions I would say, is that he thinks the USA use guns for the wrong reasons. and that it should not be allowed to buy guns like that freely.
- I learned a lot about the Unites States in that movie. I honestly did not know they were so non- caring about who and where they use their guns.
- It was a good documentary. He had a lot of good points on the usage of guns.